Sex Logbook & Journal for Women (18+)
Master Your Sex Game with Self-Debriefing for Continuous Improvement While Capturing Hot Sexual Memories
It’s so much more than just a sex diary for women! It’s a tool for a better sex life and a better life.
NOTE: If you are looking for a sex logbook, journal, or diary for a MAN instead, it’s HERE. But a good approach would be to get one of each, maybe?
With this sex logbook & journal for women, you can evaluate and write down memories of all your sexual encounters – the erotic ones worthy of an Emmy Award as well as the disasters. Rate each experience and take notes on improvements you can work on.
Sex is a physical activity we start playing with a partner of the opposite sex without receiving any briefing, coaching, or even basic information on how to perform best. Worse, sex is the only sport for which experience is seen as a negative. A woman with a “high body count” is a slut!
In all sports, we study the rules, we seek coaching, we practice, and we evaluate our performance to do better next time. And we should do the same in sex.
Improving our sex game means a more fulfilling life for ourselves and more enjoyment for the men pleasuring themselves with our female flesh.

That’s why I started keeping a sex diary of my sexual activities when I was still a teenager. After a few iterations and improvements, I’m sharing with you the version of the ‘Sex Logbook & Journal for Women’ that helped me the most.
Imagine having a lasting record of all your sexual experiences, to revel in hot memories every time you like after! Imagine a sex tracker so you remember who gave you the best orgasms and who you should be ghosting!
The best part of this ‘Sex Logbook & Journal for Women’ is that it will help you self-debrief for continuous improvement.
You will never reach ‘your peak’ because you will continually improve!
You get 2 pages for every sexual encounter: a ‘logbook’ section to evaluate the good and the bad, plus a ‘journal’ section to capture your thoughts and memories. I have fun reading my sex journals from 7 years ago, when I was 18, and compare to the sexual encounters I have today. Some people may say I’m a slut. I believe I’m a Sex Goddess, thank you! We’re all sex goddesses, aren’t we?

For every sexual encounter, you get a full diary page to take notes of the hot and not-so-hot moments!

And you also get a full sex logbook & tracker page with a focus on self-debriefing for continuous improvement.
The self-debriefing model for continuous improvement in your sexual performance works whether you have a variety of sex partners or a single one like, for instance, within a marriage.
Either way, I suggest you keep your ‘Sex Logbook & Journal for Women’ private and confidential at first so that you can freely reflect on your sexual encounters and work on improving your sexual skills without having to worry about jealousy or the fragile ego of a husband or boyfriend!
Otherwise, the self-debriefing section of this sex logbook is designed to work even for sex with more than one man. Personally, I love gang bangs!
The ‘Sex Logbook & Journal for Women’ is a perfect gift for a bachelorette party, a fun gift at a wedding, a hot gift idea for Valentine’s Day, and a kinky gift every other day of the year.
But if nobody gifted you one, get it and start enjoying improvements in your sex life!
Let’s be proud of our female sexuality while working on improving it and capturing memories to entertain ourselves later on!
I hope you will use this ‘Sex Logbook & Journal for Women’ within a year or faster! Sex every week is good! Sex every day is better!
Sex Training Program & Handbooks for Girls (18+) & Young Women
Reach for the Stars & Maximize the Value of Your Young Female Flesh with This Comprehensive Training Program
About continuously improving your sex life… Have a look at my handbooks & training program to become a true Sex Goddess!
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Check my other books while you’re here, please!
…to stay in touch with little ol’ me and find out when I publish more sexuality & relationship guides & books for young women, old men & couples.